13 years old girl gives birth to a set of triplets after being raped by an unidentified candy man

Francisca López Pérez, from Momostenango, Totonicapán, Guatemala, was raped by a candy seller who she has not been able to identify, and she became pregnant with triplets, according to Univisión . .
The 13-year-old, who did not know she was pregnant until she saw the changes in her body, gave birth last May, but both she and her children suffered from malnutrition. .
The triplets weighed about 1kg each and two of them were rushed to a hospital in the area, however, 25 days later, they died. .
After childbirth, Pérez and the only survivor of the triplets, live in heartbreaking poverty, complicated even more because the child needs oxygen and must be taken to the hospital constantly. .
Pérez lives with her mother and seven other siblings in a house built with woods, according to the Observatory on Sexual and Reproductive Health of Guatemala (Osar).
